L.I.G.H.T…Loyalty, Integrity, Generosity, Honesty, Trustworthiness…These are part of the Ladies of Honor axioms.
50 young ladies attended the Ladies of Honor camp last weekend in Hawkins, TX and on the first night 30 girls “stepped across the line” to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Kynsie Zakem and Krystal Davis led powerful times of worship.
The camp grew in intensity each day as the girls were challenged to do as the theme of the camp: “Step into the Spotlight” to walk with Christ completely and be a leader for Jesus. The word encourages us to walk in the light as He is in the light (1Jn 1:7).
Some of these girls were from Rockwall, led by Melissa Rorie, Sarah Hogden, Dale Granger, and Tori Hogden, some from Arlington, some from Grand Prairie, Sunnyvale, some from the inner city, some from the newly planted recreation center Honor program headed by Keever & Daylene Sproles, some from our newest group “Iglesia Nueva Vida” headed by David & Angie Morgan.
Most were from broken homes, many without a Dad and you could see brokenness being healed in each life as the Holy Spirit moved. These girls were special. One of the girls wrote this poem at the camp and gave it to me…
Stepping into the spotlight, away from the things of this world, I’ve found a new light that shines so bright. Finally knowing which step to take, no longer in darkness, but seeking God’s face. Patiently waiting, quietly speaking, and being bold.
Sparking a fire, stirring the passion, calling on God and knowing His voice. Pursuing my purpose, sharing the vision… knowing I’m not alone
In the comfort of His presence…no longer speaking, but letting Him speak through me. No longer doubting, but believing. Not just seeing things different, but being different! I no longer want to fit in but stand out…I’m stepping into the Light.
50 young ladies attended the Ladies of Honor camp last weekend in Hawkins, TX and on the first night 30 girls “stepped across the line” to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Kynsie Zakem and Krystal Davis led powerful times of worship.
The camp grew in intensity each day as the girls were challenged to do as the theme of the camp: “Step into the Spotlight” to walk with Christ completely and be a leader for Jesus. The word encourages us to walk in the light as He is in the light (1Jn 1:7).
Some of these girls were from Rockwall, led by Melissa Rorie, Sarah Hogden, Dale Granger, and Tori Hogden, some from Arlington, some from Grand Prairie, Sunnyvale, some from the inner city, some from the newly planted recreation center Honor program headed by Keever & Daylene Sproles, some from our newest group “Iglesia Nueva Vida” headed by David & Angie Morgan.
Most were from broken homes, many without a Dad and you could see brokenness being healed in each life as the Holy Spirit moved. These girls were special. One of the girls wrote this poem at the camp and gave it to me…
Stepping into the spotlight, away from the things of this world, I’ve found a new light that shines so bright. Finally knowing which step to take, no longer in darkness, but seeking God’s face. Patiently waiting, quietly speaking, and being bold.
Sparking a fire, stirring the passion, calling on God and knowing His voice. Pursuing my purpose, sharing the vision… knowing I’m not alone
In the comfort of His presence…no longer speaking, but letting Him speak through me. No longer doubting, but believing. Not just seeing things different, but being different! I no longer want to fit in but stand out…I’m stepping into the Light.
Thank you for being a part of this life-changing ministry.