"Winners are not those who never fail, they are those who never quit..." -Dr.Cole
One month ago, my father was in the hospital fighting for his life; both lungs were completely filled with pneumonia, his kidneys were failing, and the doctors were not sure which way it would go.
Today, he has just finished his third meeting of the new Men of Honor group he began in his church in Gun Barrel City, Texas.
Please read Dad's report of his new group below:
Just a little update about the Men of Honor group that we started three weeks ago in The Mabank/Gun Barrel city area.
Actually the Church we have been meeting at is right in the middle, on the city limits line. We have six young men in our group.
The youngest, Jacob, is nine tomorrow and begged to be a man of Honor when he heard about us two years ago. I am so proud of these boys they have been on time for each meeting, and four of them earned their shirts by the first meeting and by the time of the second meeting, they all knew their axioms.
Kirk Kelso our guest speaker presented the other two boys with their shirts. Thank you for sending Kirk down. The boys were impressed with his testimony and his presentation of the "Fellowship of the Unashamed", along with the talk about the Axioms.
Son, I have to tell you that I am really amazed at the way this has taken off in just a few weeks, it has really given me an opportunity to have a hands on knowledge of The Men of Honor.
Speaking of knowledge I am impressed at how much the kids learn in the meeting, we gave them a pop quiz on the lesson and I mean they all had the answers. So I have to give you credit for the curriculum, and lesson plans and activities that you sent us, they are very effective.
The bottom line is the results, and when I watch these kids do the pledges, the axioms, and prayer, and watch them participate in the lessons, enjoy the meal and fellowship, then get up and clean up the kitchen, and dining area without being told (because they had been taught from day one that "a Man Of Honor always leaves an area cleaner than when he arrived") It really touches my heart.
One of the boys Parents said she is excited about what Garrett is learning and the way he is talks about the meeting, and she asked if she and her husband could buy Pizzas for the next meeting.
One of the boys in our group is Pastor Ed's son, and remember Jacob? His parents have started coming to our church Sunday, and Wed. plus our MOH meeting on Friday evenings. She said she had been worrying because she couldn’t get him to go to church, but since the boy s have started Men of Honor he hasn’t missed.
I think Men and Ladies Of Honor will help this church grow.
So Tony I wrote this hopefully to encourage you, because I know that this ministry takes a lot from you and Mellisa, physically, and financially. I tell you though that you are doing, a good, and a great work and you make me proud.
I thank the Lord for you every day and pray that God protect and bless you. I love you Dad-O